starting on tuesday,i'll have a 7am-4pm shift with a sunday-monday restday.well,a few people rejoiced when they found out that their shift is at 7am-4pm which i don't like.
- i hate waking up sooo early in the morning and that is at 5am...ugh!!!
- for someone like me who finds happiness sleeping at 12am or 1am,it's really a pain in the @$$.
- the water is soooo cold the moment it touches ur skin(we don't have a heater)
- it will change my eating habits
- skype sched will change
- it's hard to file for leave
- there's one more reason i can't disclose here which comprises 75% of why i don't like this sched.
so why did i choose the sched?as if i had a choice!!!i got priority #5 which some people envied but the new sched they rolled out doesn't have my fave sched which is 11am-8pm with a sunday-monday restday.there are 2 scheds for the 8am-5pm but there's no sunday restday,one sched at 1pm-10pm which i'm confident i could get because of my priority # but the queue will drain and kill me because everyone's gonna be out at 4pm and,i have to choose the 7am-4pm shift.i'll miss my 11am-8pm shift.i've been on this shift for more than a year and i love it.
- i can wake up at 8am
- i can sleep at 1am or before 2am
- i have time to watch tv or dvd
- can easily file for leave
- skype,skype,skype before i go to work
- i can go home anytime because it's like i own the leave allocations
i could only wish they included the 11am-8pm shift but i have to accept my new what i said during my final interview here,"i'm flexible and can work anytime".whew!
I feel for you niks but after working for 4 weeks GY shift, early morning shift is sooo much better. At least our shift ends early too ( the malls are still open.. hehehe)
P.S. Maayo pa mo naay farewell dinner kami, wala =(
that's how i felt when i had a taste of the am shift during our vacpac training(gy time).
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