Monday, August 22, 2005

girls rule


have u ever wished u were a boy and not a girl?when i was younger, i used to think how it's like to be a boy.i kept on wondering what it's like to be one and i once wished i was a BOY.i thought there could have been a lot things i could do if only i was a boy.let me enumerate.

  • could play outside without having to worry if your clothes get dirty or torn
  • could go out of the house anytime
  • don't have to be the bantay-bahay when the "so-called-soldiers" go out in the field and fight.
  • could join fistfights
  • could choose who to court and choose the one you really like
  • get an excuse to be naughty at times
  • can play,play and play
  • don't have to wear skirts when hearing mass(this was before)
  • don't have to suffer dysmenorrhea
  • don't have to go through the pain of giving birth
  • could be the boss
  • you don't have to hide everytime you'd feel like going to the restroom just to pee
  • because masculinity means bravery
as you can see my reasons were so babaw lang.years have passed and gone were those days of envy.i've gotten over's fun being a girl.and there are a lot things to be happy about.

  • being a girl doesnt mean you can't play,play and play.
  • i still had the chance to play (from jolen,rubber bands to hide-and-seek etc. etc)
  • girl talk is fun and we understand each other without having to explain stuff
  • you can wear guys clothes.(If guys wear ours, they get funny looks)
  • can avoid the whole circumcision thing
  • slumber party rocks the house and it's so much fun.
  • we get to have a chance to bear a child
  • being a mother is a mystery
  • we are brave in so many ways
  • it's not weird if a girl uses a guys first name (like joey or alex).it sounds cool.
  • it is ladies first and not women first(read as:we men first)
  • we get free chocolates and flowers from guys
  • we can take stuffed animals to bed no matter how old we are
  • we can cry while watching a good movie without having to worry about what other people might say
  • the coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been writen about us
  • we can wear dresses without getting really weird looks from people
  • girls have nicer handwriting than guys
  • we have an excuse to be kikay
  • we love pink
  • we love dressing up
  • we love shopping
  • we love makeovers
  • girls rule
*as of now...i could only think of these things,you can add more.
*subject to change without prior notice.

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