*sniff*my official plan for the day is to go to SM or ayala coz i'm planning to buy body butter which i've been eyeing for months and the grocery list goes on.due to aprilette's(my officemate) snatcher stories,we headed to ayala with debbie.went home empty handed coz i don't wanna buy that body butter without knowing the smell of it.though i've tried using that before, i still wanna let my nose decide whether i'd buy it or not.weird.i do have a strong sense of smell. i ended up going to
cebu doc coz m not feeling well. feverish,my throat hurts,i have colds and i feel so lamya.it felt like i'd collapse anytime of the day.i hate this feeling.(come on thought bubble) *toink* what's the use of my healtcard?i wanna make use of that maxicare thingy.i pay for that every month and that's one of the reasons why i got big deductions.so there... i was waiting for the doctor at the ER. i'm glad the resident dr. is gorgeous,he wiped my pain away.haha.*grin* i was checked by two of the EENT interns.well...the finding is:
tonsilitis. big swelling on the left side.hmmp... i haven't eaten sweet foods lately and as much as possible i try to avoid them.and there goes the explanation...doc said one factor is working in a call center due to long hours of talking nonstop.i knew it.he gave me some meds to take and he told me to take a rest right after the check-up. but here i am blogging.thank God it's my restday(or is it restnight?) tonight and tomorrow.