Friday, July 29, 2005

mirror, mirror on the wall


The last time i went home, the very first question most people asked me was "who is your bf?".Almost everyone had the same question.Their questions may be rephrased but it meant the same.Lil did they know that i had a non-existent lovelife.It made me think.I've been with these people since i was a kid and they knew me by heart.Just like an actress, they were my audience and they were always there watching me every step of the way.But their fave actress has not found a prince charming yet.Just like in a fairytale world, i have been invited to a ball but maybe the prince has not found the other pair of the shoes i left behind.I've slept for 23 years and has not been awaken by a kiss of a prince.I've met a couple of frogs but none of them has turned out to be a prince.My hair is not long enough to help the prince climb the wall to see where i am.I was lost into the woods and has not found my way to the dwarfsville.or maybe...just maybe... i am the beast and no one has turned me out into a princess yet.

Life has a touch of a fairytale but we have control over it.Life is more than potions and magic spells.We have our own godmothers but they are not fairies.In reality,these things does not exist.Let's just enjoy life the way it is.Love is just around the corner.I worry not because i don't see it as a race.I've witnessed so many people who wants to win the race but they end up losing it.i don't wanna run coz i might stumble.i know someone is meant for me and i believe everything will fall into place at the right time.

mirror, mirror on the wall....
"i'm young and i'm 23.there's so much of life to enjoy and to learn.
i'm single,available and beautiful."



Anonymous said...

well said.


Aden said...

you wil not wait,wait,wait and wait nah!let it flow na lang...
charmos kaau oi!